Kindles für Afrika

Kindles für Afrika 1Heute in der El Pais gelesen, die NGO Worldreader versorgt afrikanische Kinder mit  E-Books und  Kindle Reader.

So beschreibt Worldreader ihre Mission:

Worldreader is a US and European non-profit whose mission is to make digital books available to children in the developing world, so millions of people can improve their lives. As of May 2012, we’ve put over 100,000 e-books – and the life-changing, power-creating ideas contained within them – into the hands of 1,000 children in sub-Saharan Africa. Those children now read more, read better, and are improving their communities.

Digital technology sharply lowers the cost and complexity of delivering books everywhere. As we make reading easier and less expensive, the the world will read more

Gleich mal was für das gute Gewissen getan und ein bischen gespendet.

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